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5 Health Benefits Of Golden Milk & How To Make It?
18 December, 2017We all are aware of milk benefits and its various uses. But, do you remember your childhood memories of drinking milk with turmeric (Haldi)? Turmeric is basically a golden yellow spice used in Asian curries. However, it’s earning a name for itself as a potent medicinal food. It is traditionally used in Indian households for treating specific diseases as well as a tonic for general health. Turmeric milk is also referred to as ‘Golden milk.’ Hence without wasting any time let’s move to our topic. Read here about what are the benefits of golden milk and how it is beneficial to you in numerous ways.
Know the benefits of golden milk –
Gives relief from a cough and cold
Turmeric milk is a commonly used traditional remedy for a cough, cold, and other respiratory tract infections. Turmeric increases mucus production which naturally flushes out the microbes that have managed to get a foothold in the respiratory tract.
The antiviral and antibacterial properties of turmeric can help fight the infections while the anti-inflammatory property helps relieve the symptoms. A cup of warm turmeric milk before going to bed will relieve nighttime coughing and provide restful sleep.
Solves digestive problems
You can tackle most of the digestive tract problems with turmeric. That could be why it came to be regarded as an important culinary spice. It improves digestion, helps relieve gas and bloating as well as heartburn resulting from gastric reflux. Turmeric increases the flow of bile, which helps in fat digestion. Loss of appetite and indigestion can be successfully treated with a cup of turmeric milk a day.
Turmeric can prevent and treat gastrointestinal infections and get rid of worms. In the tropics where intestinal parasites are very common, especially in children, turmeric milk comes to the rescue.
It is a liver tonic
Laboratory tests and clinical studies have demonstrated the ability of the curcumin in turmeric to prevent and reverse liver cirrhosis and fatty liver. Liver, being the chemical hub of the body, is constantly engaged in the processing of chemical substances entering the body. That includes environmental pollutants, chemical additives in processed foods and drugs taken for other disease conditions.
An excellent blood purifier
Turmeric has always been regarded as an excellent detoxifying agent. Our body has to deal with an onslaught of toxins that enter the blood through our food and drink as well as the respiratory tract. They can damage not only the blood vessels but all the other tissues that the contaminated blood reaches.
Toxins in the blood are the underlying causes of many abnormal skin conditions and other diseases. Turmeric helps the elimination of blood impurities by improving the function of the liver which is entrusted with the duty of identifying these toxins and finding a way to eliminate them. Moreover, the diuretic effect of turmeric helps flush out these toxins through urine.
Improves reproductive health of females
Turmeric acts as a mild phytoestrogen, promoting the reproductive health of females. It increases fertility in women who have trouble conceiving due to hormonal insufficiency. Women with painful periods find relief with turmeric milk taken during the week of their period. It relieves post-menopausal symptoms too.
Although turmeric reduces the ache associated periods, it is a uterine stimulant that promotes the free flow of menstrual discharge. For this reason, turmeric in therapeutic doses should be avoided during pregnancy.
In a nutshell, milk becomes tastier and healthier when it is mix with turmeric.
How to make golden milk?
Ingredients –
- ½ tbsp turmeric
- 1 cup milk
- ½ cup water
- 2-3 black peppercorns
Procedure –
- Warm milk and water over low heat and stir in the turmeric powder.
- Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 10 minutes.
- This will reduce the milk to one cup.
- Turn off the heat and add crushed black pepper.
- Drink the milk hot or warm.